Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A good Teacher!

Mr.Barack Obama gets a standing ovation from me for precisely explaining the distinct grandeur of the most important element of a student's life, in a student's life- That of a teacher! Can you spare a few minutes? 3:06 to be precise. Whenever you can, Please do watch- this Video!

"A good teacher can change the course of a student's life"- An eternal truth it is! I have always needed guidance. Not pieces of free advice, which most people are generous to give, but true guidance.
The easiest and the most difficult decisions in life are usually the most time taking ones. You need to make a quick decision and a good guidance helps.A LOT! That is the part good teachers are expected to play. Enable the student to make quick and correct decisions. It is believed that a child may not listen to his Parents, but the same order from his teacher makes him get going. A good teacher just realizes how important he is in his student's life and utilizes his position-of-importance to bring the best out of the child.

It took me a long time to realize that no teacher can be totally bad. Teachers can be categorized as excellent, good , not very good and may be not that good. It is not litotes. It is a simple reality. First of all, the very fact that a teacher makes efforts to communicate certain ideas with his students, makes him totally respectable. Students must value that. And if still, students feel like labeling some as a 'bad teacher', they are most probably not labeling a teacher; just a person who trudges after the syllabus just so that his pay does not get blocked! So, you know the context of my thoughts- I am talking of a teacher!

Being humans, students do turn judgmental. And it turns quite instinctive to define a good and a not-so-good-teacher. And the definition is never based on the volume of the homework. It is just myth. Students always now the importance of getting 'H.W.'. Anyway, the Teachers that I am talking of, lie beyond the ambit of school and college assignments. They don't just teach. They inspire. And the line of separation between these categories is based on the differences in the degrees of inspiration.

The course of a student's life is definitely affected by his teacher. A good teacher always takes it to the right direction. A good teacher makes an eternal impact through his eternal inspiration rather than an ephemeral one.His words fascinate his disciples. They make the learners discover a newer self.

As I said, I always need guidance. Many times, I am not even aware that I do. But the shade of an eternal inspiration makes me realize that I do. Years back, I used to be a girl who totally averted reading. Years later, after having been under the supervision of some good teachers, I have fallen in love with Books-even my text books!. I have started to read! Maturity, it could be. But without those lovely teachers, Maturity would just have been a word associated with age!

My ambition has now changed from 'getting a good job' to 'doing something that can change the lives of many in need of a better life'; changed from 'earning salary' to 'earning satisfaction'; from 'studying' to 'learning'. And yes, it may not totally reflect in my personality, but I AM trying to improve and do something substantial rather than surreal. Because reality is not always ideal. It consists of loopholes. The 'substantial' that I talked of will not always be ideal, but at least can be majorly good- My teachers have taught me!

And that is the impact that I wanted to talk of. An impact that a teacher makes to transform the goals of his students. After all, a good education does not just make people study hard but learn smart! So, without any amazing  return gift equivalent to their contribution, I want to say, Thank You teachers! I need you always!

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