Monday, December 26, 2011

We broke up finally...!

After reading the title, did you, by any chance, think it was about my boyfriend? Hu ha ha! Surprise Surprise! this post has got nothing to do with my relationship(I do not entertain one btw. Singlehood is my virtue Read the Blog description!!!)

So, to clarify everything, this post deals with my problem of Procrastination. The two of us had been sharing quite a good time together until this morning, when I decided to shed this habit completely.
When I am at home, some of the activities that keep me busy throughout the day are-
Sleeping, Sleeping some more, sleeping a bit more and then finally Sleeping again. Bloody hell!
How can anyone who sleeps this much ever concentrate upon his/her work? Just because of this habit, I get a good deal of pending work to do....ALWAYS!. And believe me, in my case, Pending is always pending.

It was a sudden realization this morning that this life was not given to me to sleep. What am I? A Polar bear?
A few posts back, I had written something about Politics and blah blah.Remember? I desperately wished to convey to some 'politicians' of my college that I am a human as well.Well, believe me, I had to convey it to myself today.
It was a sudden awakening that told me to arise and awake. A human life is a gift and needs to be utilized wisely. Commuting to college, mugging up class notes during Exams and watching TV are not the goals of life. They are just a part of it.

This problem had to have a solution. My Over-sleeping was harming none other than me..myself. And it was this tradition of sleep-chains that had made me avoid a good set of important activities in life. Hence, this break-up;) No more do I know Procrastination. At my level best, I shall try to meet my deadlines. After all, If I have been gifted with youth, I should be able prove that I have it.

PS-This post has not been created to attract readers but I would not mind if it does a few

कठोर: परीक्षासमय:

चिन्तयामि यत् किं भवति परीक्षसमये यत् कस्मिन्नपि कार्ये मनस: रुचि: न भवति ॥ विशिष्टरूपेण मम कृते परीक्षासमय: अत्यन्तकठोर: भवितुं आरभ्यते यत: पाठ्यक्रम: तु विशाल: समय: न्यून:॥
जानामि , जानामि - पूर्णवर्षे अपठनस्य एव परिणाम: भवति एषा अवस्था , परन्तु छात्रा भूत्वा एतद् ज्ञातुं न शक्ये ॥ प्रत्येकं वर्षे प्रयासं करोमि येन पठने मम रुचि: स्यात् परन्तु वर्षारम्भे आलस्यस्य प्रचुरता भवति ॥ यथा यथा परीक्षा: निकटम् आगच्छन्ति तथा तथा एव अस्य अनुभूति: भवति यत् "किञ्चित् तु करणीयम्" ॥

अत: अस्मिन् वर्षे मम संकल्प: स्वीकृतोsस्ति  मया प्रयासार्थम् ॥ पश्यामि किं भविष्यति ॥ तावत्पर्यन्तं नमस्कार: ॥

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Super 30 an amazing initative in India - PArt II

This man has shown not just to Bihar but to the entire world that Life becomes more beautiful when one struggles to beautify the life of not one's own family but that of million others in need!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Yes, even I can hate people!

Hello Everyone,

I know my blog has not been able to attract too many readers(alright,i admit it, not even one!) Still, I believe this space is all mine and I can actually allow my feelings to carve out a way to flow.I want my worries and feelings to find some cubic area of existence in this heavily burdened world of politics.
Yes! that's the core word of my blog today-Politics! I am feeling extremely low today due to some very silly reasons but believe me-had you been at my place, you would have never called them silly.

So, when I entered College, I thought it would be complete fun.And during the initial days, it even was. My seniors would tell me to enjoy the 'beginners days' with full fun for the fun wouldn't ever return and I would ignore their words thinking-'How can college days ever change?'  But hey...wait wait! They do change and I am one of the most horribly tested victims of such a change.(PS: this is just a beginning)
Now that I have given you a scenario of what has happened, I shouldn't hesitate in telling you the entire story.
Ever since I started working for some people, I wished our group to become better and better. I really do wish to get more and more people to work. But there are two extreme kinda people-one who WORK MORE THAN THEY SHOULD  and the OTHERS WHO DO NOT WORK AT ALL!!

Regarding the latter category people, I can hardly do anything since i want people to work with their full heart and that wouldn't happen if I drag them to work.So, only God can bring them in.

The former is the category that has made me cry- and that too very deeply...Don't get me wrong.Before I start crying through words here, I should let you all know that I love people who work with full dedication.In fact, I WANT our team to work efficiently.But that dedication shouldn't cross its limits to become IRRITATING and INTERFERING.

If anyone ever reads this, please let me know how can I ever overcome this sorrow. I am sorry I promised to tell you the entire story but this may not even be the half-part. It is not. But somewhere, while writing I felt I shouldn't even be this out-spoken(On the blog of course). So, I would be waiting for a few days to see if people change. Meanwhile, you do post your views. I hope the next time I write to you all, I am relatively more cheerful.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The breaking news today- "Baba ramdev's fast-unto-death ruined"

 Last night while almost the entire country was asleep, a group of people guided by Baba ramdev, that had observed a fast- unto- death was being beaten up by the police at the Ramlila maidan, New Delhi. When I say 'a group of people',  I don't mean 15-20 individuals. I mean over 40,000 people!

Something amazingly striking must have caused so many people follow one man! And the reason surely was so. After Mr.Anna Harare's protest against corruption in India, this was the first such gathering. And as you already know, the reason for the protest was to make a simple request to the government- 'All the Indian Black Money be declared National property.'
I don't wish to go to the deep political aspects as going into such intricate details would deviate me from my original thought process.
But as a part of the junta, I have become doubtful and sad at the same time, on certain issues.

 Point 1,Is the government really not worth counting on? 
            I mean come on, people of the country voted for the UPA government. That Just shows people have 
            a bit of support for it.  So, if you are at the top position, you say you are pure and somebody accuses
           you of having done something wrong. you must not be worried. But maybe the truth with the        
          government is not that. The Lathi charge on so many people firstly shows the truth in Baba Ramdev's  
           allegations and secondly, it tells us that somewhere, the government really is not that transparent.

Point 2, What is the problem with nationalizing the Black Money?
             Okay, maybe I don't get the depths of politics and economics, but I know that the government's agenda of not agreeing to such a simple request does generate some doubts against the government in my mind. 
Who all are the people in India who know about the black money and the loss that the storage of such huge amounts of money in foreign banks has caused to the country? Let me wait! Its 1.21 BILLION people! The entire nation.
From the top government officials to even a rickshaw puller- all know about it.The government knows about it. and frankly, nobody supports it. Then what is the problem in nationalizing it? If it really wants to fight against corruption, then why not start from something that shall benefit the entire nation immediately?

Point 3, Has the government become too selfish?
  The govt does implement various schemes and agendas to benefit the poor.  But the solution that has been offered is the best. Why not agree to it. Well, I guess, it wants its 'karyakartas' to be favored before the citizens.

Point 4:Why the partiality?
               Baba Ramdev gets to be seized into custody , taken to haridwar and warned not to dare enter Delhi again. Why? Just because he tried to instill a little pain to himself by observing an indefinite fast only for the sake of national benefit.
Let's go to another story-the 26/11 attacks. "How are you kasab?", Ask the 26/11 proven accused and I am sure he shall say,"Very well. I should have done it years ago.Damn it! I lived without the special services for so long"
He was taken into custody as a frail young boy. And I am sure he would be freed and that too as a healthy man! He is being offered various facilities on the name of "special security". Come on you government, AJMAL KASAB KILLED INNOCENT CITIZENS OF INDIA. ALL KNOW HE IS GUILTY.BUT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HIM WITH A LAWYER. A LAWYER??? huh!
New Indian theory-Punish anyone who tries to benefit the people for only the government can pretend to be the helping hands.
Point 5: Will India ever be corruption free?
The government has been prevaricating from answering the various questions from other political parties. Now obviously, The govt is guilty somewhere. All that I wonder is are all other parties totally pure? Okay, Maybe its human nature to commit some wrong-doing for personal benefits and by virtue of that theory,  we could forgive a few. But how are other nations not as major a target of this sin as India when, in fact, their ministers are also humans?
Moreover, Isn't it true somewhere that those politically correct party leaders do allege all other parties of some wrong doing but when it comes to their own party, they turn mum? Keeping this trend in mind I wonder if ever there shall be a corruption free ruling party in India.

While I wonder on these many issues, I have just one view: Many people raise questions on Baba's intentions. So, I say, I am not sure what he is up to. All that I know is that his demand is of such a wide national importance that it can definitely assist in eradicating the country's poverty if executed wisely. The government better get alerted because the 2014 is nearing by!Just Hope ki Ho jaye Bharat Nirman

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Laziness Personified!

Well, another exam season is on and as always, I am doing everything other than studying.
I have heard most people(students actually) say that they keep on dragging the work on the next day but eventually they do work out a proper time and place to do it. Well, as a student, even I have loads of pending work but  I follow just the half part what others do-I don't end up doing my work at proper place and time; I always do my work in a hurried manner, under pressure of the deadline which is usually the next day only though I mostly get plenty of days before the last day to complete my work. The reason is nothing other than the fact that I depend on the three favorite words of mine-"kal kar lenge."
After entering college, I have become an even lazier person. Just see what happened with the submission of a project given by one of my teachers.
I took admission in my college and was pretty happy about it. Our college has been strictly told by the UGC  not to allow ragging in any form in or around the campus.Our seniors were careful and sweet enough not to perform ragging in any form. So I was pretty happy.My entire class, just like me, was still learning the various know-how of the campus among other things.
Our classes started. I was really enjoying.Then this particular class happened on the first Saturday of the session.This lecture was supposed to teach us a subject called 'reading gandhi'. We had to learn about Gandhian thoughts.oo! I just loved it from the very first day.In some other post of mine, I shall right about a few of the many things that used to happen in that lecture.
Anyway, that first lecture had happened in July.
The teacher for that subject has till date been one of the best teachers I could ever learn from.She introduced herself and then asked for our introduction as well. 
After sometime, while explaining  the course structure to us, she told us the big bomb.She said,"each one of you will have to choose any one topic related to mahatma Gandhi and submit a project on that topic to me .Tell me, what time would be comfortable for you?"
We all hardly Had any idea what to say.So, my teacher continued,"January...shall that be okay?"
"yes." we said.
"Okay then, 15th January is the date.That's ample of time."
Surely that WAS ample of time July to January of next year.But we were STUDENTS.
Time passed;We did nothing;15th Jan arrived;No project was ready.
Our teacher surely had had the intuition that we were not going to be ready.So she extended the deadline saying with a frown face,"I wonder what you all were doing all throughout the year. Yours has to be a project of not more than 25-30 pages and you still need more time. Every year I get to see an action replay of  what you people have just shown me-zero punctuality.Anyway, This is your first time so I give you another 10 days.Go ahead"
We were all very relieved. but I took that for granted and wasted the next one week.
On the 8th day, I just STARTED to think of the topic. In the next 2 days of my college routine, I would spend all my free lectures at the library.Strange but true.Believe me, Once I started searching for the books on my topic, I found such a great collection that I could not resist myself from reading them. Books were few but all of them had strikingly amazing facts that I could use. But since time was less, I had to restrict myself to only a few aspects.I really regretted that. Had I given the project some more time, I could have worked out an amazing one.From the cover page to the content, everything could have been  improved and that too to a great level. I was totally stressed during those last two days of the submission.(for me, those were the first 2 days as well ;)  )
But Nothing happened and I presented a dull project.I had learnt a lot from the books which I got from the library.Unfortunately, I could pen down only a tiny fraction of my 'just learned knowledge'
What was even more amusing was that even on the last day of the extended deadline, my project was just on its verge of completion..Everybody else in my class except me and 2 of my friends, had submitted the project within the 10 day duration.Well, I always end up doing something that makes people notice me differently.I still had to write the foreword and bibliography(alright ...fine..its a lame excuse.Nobody notices!)
While my teacher was taking attendance, I was busy writing. She saw me and surely got annoyed.She said,'No extra work in my class please" I had to stop.After the class, I ran after her. But by the time I reached the staff room, she had left for home. I got really nervous thinking she would not accept my project. But thankfully, The next day, she did.
Well, All is well that the end is well.But all of that rush and burden on my mind could have been avoided had I just valued and utilised time.
But even after this kind of an experience, I continue to be the same.My exams are just a few days away and I have already started living my holidays routine.Throughout the day, I do nothing other than roaming around in my house like a freak and wasting my time.I still have those 3 words,"Kal Kar lenge"

P.S:If you are smiling after reading this piece, I am sure you surely are or have been a student.
Please do post a few comments to let me know if  even you had any similar experiences so that I can know that I am not the only of my kind!