Friday, September 16, 2011

Yes, even I can hate people!

Hello Everyone,

I know my blog has not been able to attract too many readers(alright,i admit it, not even one!) Still, I believe this space is all mine and I can actually allow my feelings to carve out a way to flow.I want my worries and feelings to find some cubic area of existence in this heavily burdened world of politics.
Yes! that's the core word of my blog today-Politics! I am feeling extremely low today due to some very silly reasons but believe me-had you been at my place, you would have never called them silly.

So, when I entered College, I thought it would be complete fun.And during the initial days, it even was. My seniors would tell me to enjoy the 'beginners days' with full fun for the fun wouldn't ever return and I would ignore their words thinking-'How can college days ever change?'  But hey...wait wait! They do change and I am one of the most horribly tested victims of such a change.(PS: this is just a beginning)
Now that I have given you a scenario of what has happened, I shouldn't hesitate in telling you the entire story.
Ever since I started working for some people, I wished our group to become better and better. I really do wish to get more and more people to work. But there are two extreme kinda people-one who WORK MORE THAN THEY SHOULD  and the OTHERS WHO DO NOT WORK AT ALL!!

Regarding the latter category people, I can hardly do anything since i want people to work with their full heart and that wouldn't happen if I drag them to work.So, only God can bring them in.

The former is the category that has made me cry- and that too very deeply...Don't get me wrong.Before I start crying through words here, I should let you all know that I love people who work with full dedication.In fact, I WANT our team to work efficiently.But that dedication shouldn't cross its limits to become IRRITATING and INTERFERING.

If anyone ever reads this, please let me know how can I ever overcome this sorrow. I am sorry I promised to tell you the entire story but this may not even be the half-part. It is not. But somewhere, while writing I felt I shouldn't even be this out-spoken(On the blog of course). So, I would be waiting for a few days to see if people change. Meanwhile, you do post your views. I hope the next time I write to you all, I am relatively more cheerful.

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