Friday, February 9, 2018

For the love of JNU

Another draft-turned-post from my inbox, just being published today. Also, this was my fb status for the date mentioned. :)

The day I published my Convener Report. Exactly Three Years Ago.
Man! I still remember that day when a year of turbulent JNU politics had finally concluded in a peaceful report presentation. Presenting the report only a few days after my 22nd birthday, I was thrilled by the various challenges that a year-long journey had brought me face to face with. A year had seemed no less than a decade. Yet, the realization that all of that had ended finally had brought great relief to my mind. I was still struggling to get out of the 'hangover' of political upheavals faced, but the transformation that had occurred in me was beyond what words can ever describe. And that is why I say that while it is impossible for anyone who learns of JNU through cooked up stories to comprehend the dimensions of its magic, it is only through being here that one realizes how truly special this place can be. Are there challenges? Immense challenges? Undesired elements. YES. Where are they not? JNU has taught me that facing challenges is THE key to solving them. JNU, you are love.
#FourYearOfBeingAtJNU #JNUMeriJaan # OhManIAmAYearOlder

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